
Consent is extremely important when you are having sex. If you do not consent to sex, then it is rape or sexual assault. You can withdraw consent at any time, even after you have started having sex.

Any sexual act, including kissing, touching or intercourse, that happens without your consent is illegal. This is true regardless of whether it happens with your boyfriend/girlfriend, date, friend or a complete stranger.

It is also important to understand what consent is. Consent is not just about how old a person is, as in some circumstances the law says you cannot consent to sex:

  • If you are below 16 years of age
  • if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and are confused or don’t understand what you’re doing;
  • if you are passed out and don’t know or understand what is happening; or
  • if you feel pressured, intimidated, threatened or forced into doing any sexual act.
  • Remember – your silence does not equal consent. To understand more about consent please watch

Remember – your silence does not equal consent.

To understand more about consent please