Date Rape

What is date rape?

Date rape is a form of sexual assault, and it illegal.

Sexual intercourse without consent is rape regardless of whether you are with a boyfriend or girlfriend on a date or not. If you are under the influence of alcohol you may not be able to provide valid consent. If you are passed out on the couch, no-one should touch you in a sexual manner. Silence does not mean consent.

If you ask your date to stop (even in the middle of things), and (s)he doesn’t, it becomes rape. If this happens to you then you should call the police. You can also contact a dedicated sexual assault support service in your area.In most cases, perpetrators of sexual assault are known to the victim.

Sexual assault matters should be reported by calling the police on 100 in an emergency, or contacting your local police station. You can also dial the Women’s Helpline at 1091 or 1090.